Monday, September 1, 2008

keeping my sanity

So I have figured out the reason I am keeping a shred of my sanity down here in the dungeon. I am spending a good portion of my time at the craft table. I have the girls Disney books done (64 pages of an 8x8 when you put the two together.) and I have had some lingering sewing projects that I just haven't gotten out the sewing machine for. Well, no more. Here is what i did this morning. I have one more (well, really about 3 more, but 2 of them are the girls quilts and that isn't going to happen in one morning that is for sure. And the two costumes, but I don't have the fabric yet so they don't count) to do for a wedding present, but I need to go get a set of towels from target or somewhere.
I put ribbon on one burp cloth and embroidered his name on the other. The middle triangle is the hood of a hooded towel. It took 7 minutes to do that. Of course it took me about an hour to remember how to use the embroidery part of the machine.


The Quinn Report said...

I would love to have an embroidery machine! I have all these things I want Tavin's name on, but don't feel like spending an arm and a leg getting it monogrammed.

Those are so cute!

Katie said...

OH MY GOD!!!!!!! I cannot wait to give birth so I can put in my HUGE monogramming/towel/burp cloth order!! AWESOME!