Thursday, September 25, 2008

the light is getting brighter (finally)

So tomorrow the floor guy is coming to put the final coat of poly on the floor. The appliances are being delivered between 1-3 (which is actually pretty funny because they gave us no options, and if they aren't here by 2:30, they are going to have to wait because my baby needs picked up. Their fault for not giving me the option to pick a time.

Anyway, after the floor gets done (it takes all of an hour to put it on and 4 or 5 hours before we can step on it and then 48 hours before we can return stuff to our 1st floor. Did you just read the last sentence and do the math.. (I don't do public math, but I will make the exception this time) I WILL BE MOVING FURNITURE BACK TO MY FIRST FLOOR ON SUNDAY!!!! I will have appliances installed by Monday. Of course I still won't have a working kitchen because I don't have a cabinet that my sink goes on and I won't have it until after the granite comes in. Oh well, if I can get the bathroom up and moving, I will get water out of there and do the dishes in there.

Oh man, the light at the end of the tunnel is getting bigger and brighter!

Did i mention we will be doing NOTHING to the house for a long time? (which actually translates into about 2 weeks. Randy is having a patio put out back, but I don't really consider that a remodel because they are not bothering my living space.)

Also, I want a SERIOUS "I just remodeled my first floor come see it" party, want to come?


Lysandra said...

Yes, I would like to come to that party. I would totally wear soft socks so I don't mess your floor up. Also, don't let me eat or drink at this party, as I am quite clumsy and don't want to spill.

Erin said...

I want to come! I'd bring the Imo's pizza and Ted Drews ;-)

And, YES, of course I love them both. I'm a homegrown, south city girl.

(Sorry, I'm more commenting on your last comment, not so much on the actual POST. But YAY for flooring!)

The Quinn Report said...

I know, I would love to see it in person! Photos just WON'T do it justice!

I'm so happy for you that this is all coming to an end!