Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Concocting a new plan

Although I am sad write a new post (I keep checking the last post myself, because I just love the pictures), I have to write about my new plan.

I have had the blahs the last few days. I think it is partly because I have been reading a few blogs from my virtual (and some real) friends who have been visiting grandparents. I miss that. My sister has yet to pickle. (deliver that precious baby girl) She has however dilated to 1 centimeter. Only 9 more! Oh yeah, back to the blahs. I know I am going home, but I don't know when. I want the baby to be born, and want to be here for Thanksgiving. So, I am going to go home the week after Thanksgiving. It is great to be able to travel whenever, but sometimes, it feels like the trip really isn't scheduled. (Babbling Tracy get back to the story!!) SO, to avoid the blahs I have decided to create a new type of "to do list" and a time management of the day list.

The new "to do list" is not my normal list. It is not going to contain *Laundry,*bathrooms, *vacuums, etc. It is going to have the fun things on it. It is going to have all of the things I would like to do. Here is an example:
*Start making cookie dough for Christmas (I freeze it and then just pull it out and cook it closer)
*Work on Cait's Scrapbook
*Finish one chapter at a time in whatever book I have available
*Play with Photoshop and get more proficient in it.
*Make a quilt for my girls.
That is enough, you get the point. They are all things that if I am in the blahs, I can look at my "list" and choose something off of that. I will still feel like I am accomplishing something, but it will be fun and not so much the hum drum that has to be done all the time.

And on to the time management. As if you couldn't tell, I like to organize, feel like I make progress and express my OCD tendencies.
I have to map out my week. Or at least my Monday thru Friday. It can get to the end of some days and I haven't played with my children all day. It isn't that I am sitting on the couch watching soap operas and eating bon bons, but the girls play SO well together, that sometimes I just forget. If it is written down, I at least make an attempt to fulfill it. I want to put things in there throughout the day that I would normally do and things I think about at the end of the night and say, "man, I was going to do that with them." I am hoping to budget time in there for sister play, breakfast, lunch, dinner, my favorite..the girls' nap, mommy time, mommy and the girls time, clean up time, and yes, even gym time. Then the standard write ins like school, gymnastics, my work, and don't forget my coffee time. I am kind of excited about doing it. I do like a challenge and it may help with the winter blahs as well.
I will update when I have it in place.

How do you get rid of the blahs?

**A couple of other little updates,
*We get our bedrooms re carpeted on Thursday.
*We get the extra box of wood flooring.
*Stephanie is STILL pregnant
*My back is better and I am heading back to the gym soon.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Ugh. I totally have had the blahs lately myself. I really think you should go home, if only for three days (if at all possible).

I always feel that socializing helps me, even when I don't feel like doing it. As soon as I'm out and about and talking to other people, I get to feeling a little better. Especially if we're drinking wine while talking! :)