Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I am tired of sicknesses

This weather here has been a big tease. We get one morning of 65+ degree weather. I get very excited to actually get the girls outside for some serotonin, I get the equivalent of 8 houses away and it starts to rain. Then it barely reaches 40 degrees today.. It is really starting to annoy me.

And on to sickness. On January 19th, Randy came down with the worst case of Tonsillitis the doctor had seen. Two weeks to the day later, I had to take Madison to one of those prompt care places (because it was the weekend of course) and she had strep throat. 14 days later was this past Sunday. I thought I was in the clear... WRONG. Sunday afternoon, Cait started to get a little hoarse. No big deal right? She has been playing hard with her cousins all day. Monday morning the first of the very audible, very distinct cough... THE BARKING SEAL, THE VERY SCARY SOUND COMING OUT OF YOUR LITTLE LOVE...THE CROUPY COUGH. So Monday she wasn't too bad. Her temperature was barely 99. Then today it has crept a little higher, just over 100. I fear tomorrow we will be in the doctor's office(at least is isn't the weekend). She wakes herself up every time she coughs and I think she is scaring herself more than anything. Poor baby. She is so sweet and cuddly anyway and it is ten times more when she is sick. Did I mention emotional too? Good times. I am the last hold out. So I am thinking about two weeks from today I will be snotting up the keyboard complaining about how bad I feel. I HATE when the girls are sick. I HATE not being able to make them all better. I HATE the germophobe that comes out in me when they are sick (obviously it didn't matter, it has very slowly made its way through the majority of the house and let me tell you, I was practically walking behind Randy spraying Lysol and wiping down everything he touched. Then I made him stay upstairs for two days. So much for that)
Wish me luck tonight on the sleeping thing. I really hope I get some.
We just really need to get outside and get some fresh air in our lungs.


Andrea and Ben said...

I agree that fresh air is what you need. maybe a trip out to the dry South West will help!! Hope everyone gets better soon, I feel ya!!!!

Katie said...

UGH. This is terrible! Becca has had a runny nose for what seems like MONTHS now. It is like we are just never both totally healthy. I can't WAIT for spring. I think I have spring fever more now than when in Alaska....which is really weird!