Friday, April 11, 2008

Random this and thats

This week has been busy but I am not sure with what. I would guess it had a whole lotta complaining from me if you take my blog as an indication. Any way, we made it through another week. Sometimes you just have to be grateful for that right?

Let's see what has happened. and a little narration of the pictures.

Here is a picture of our new door and storm door. I LURVV it. It looks so much better coming up to the house. It looks cream because we have to paint it still, but it is on. Notice the straw up front. That is where Randy pulled 5 box wood plants out. They just covered up the place.

Here is the huge hole where our hideous tree used to call home. Now it is mulch for someone else's home. Randy filled in the space with lyme, grass seed and straw. Hopefully we won't have a big dirt spot for the year. I know it was good to pull the tree down because even after looking at it for two years, I don't drive up to the house and think something is missing. It just looks right

The girls were blowing bubbles and I loved taking these close up pictures of the bubbles.

Bubbles, bubbles everywhere!

My little dirty faced child trying to figure out the bubble gun (Thanks Nana, yet another favorite)

These are just different angles of my one of the flowering pear trees in the front yard. Again, just different angles I was experimenting with.

Madison got a wild hair up her hiney that she wanted to learn to ride a big bike... That lasted all of about five minutes. At least she tried right?

Cait can pedal now and is loving exploring all of the little bikes. It is so nice not to have to push her.

She was telling me no pictures! Okay, I got it!

Spring has sprung. This is the magnolia tree in the back yard. This was taken yesterday and I think it is even more beautiful today.

I am so happy it is getting warmer, although it is really just a tease. It was well in the 60s if not 70s today and tomorrow, raining and 50. The next few days are going to be like that too. That is hard to get a taste and then not have it for a few days.


Kayris said...

We were outside for hours both yesterday and today. I love the weather the way it has been! Johnny actually got a litle bit fn sunburn too. On a side note though, I am seriously flabby and pale. Need to start exercising again before it gets really hot.

Abby & Patrick said...

Looks like you're having fun - glad you are getting to start enjoying the outdoors!

The Quinn Report said...

Your house looks beautiful; I love the new door. You'll have to take other outside photos so we can see the whole package!