Monday, February 11, 2008

How do you do it?

I really need to venture out more. I can't seem to muster up enough want to do it. I know of a few places people have talked about that I would love to check out. Why don't I do it? Katie seems to go ALL over. They have been so many more places than we have and they have been here half the time. They go on day trips, they go on overnight trips. They are up and out of the house before nine (what is that?) I have "trained" my kids that when they wake up, they come in my room and lay in bed with me. If it is after 7:30, they are able to have the TV on, but if it is before, they just lay in bed with me. That does seem like paradise, but I have totally abused it. IF we don't have to be anywhere (IE preschool by 9 three days a week. ) I can't get up and get going before naps. Why is that?

What are some of the things you do to get yourself motivated to go do things?
I think I kind of think that it is just easier to stay at home. That isn't really fair to the girls. My mom took my sister and me ALL over. I experienced all kinds of things. I want my kids to also.

Besides the basics...library, out to lunch, walk through the mall/target/toy store, the occasional playdate, (and not including paid events of gymnastics, kindermusik, etc, we already do some of that. )what do you do during the day?


joanna said...

Oh guilt guilt guilt guilt guilt. We don't go anywhere either. does that help? What about just exploring the back yard? What about just taking a walk around the block? Alan's been talking about going to the 'zoob' for a couple of days now. I should take them. When I muster up enough want to, I guess I will. Or when the guilt overtakes me.

Katie said...

I'll tell you how I do it. I go EFFING INSANE by 9 a.m. Becca gets up at FULL SPEED and is a little tyrant. I run all over the house trying to get stuff done and she chases me all around whining and then I MUST be lunch time by now...and I look at the clock and it is only 8:35 a.m. Then I say "PUT ON YOUR COAT I CANNOT TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" and we drive around looking for something to do! I don't recommend this lifestlye! :)

Laura said...

We're all out of the house by 8 a.m. to get the kids to the sitter's house and get to work, but my weekends totally sound like yours. I love having lazy mornings around the house and I don't even attempt to plan on any events or activities taking place until after naptime and the 2 year old has slept the demon-cranks out of her. I don't know. As long as they're happy and rested, I say why push it? When spring finally arrives and the weather is more conducive to fun, outdoor activites you'll find plenty to do before you know it! Hang in there!