Sunday, July 27, 2008

It's in finally

Well, not quite yet, but almost.. We have been waiting for Randy's iPhone to ship for almost two weeks. It has finally been shipped. It will hopefully be in tomorrow or Tuesday. That means my new blackjack will be coming at me soon. If I miss an appointment now, it is my own darn fault. I saw on the Internet they had it in pink. I haven't seen it in the stores. Bummer. I guess I will have to go with the burgundy. Now can anyone with a teenager show me how to work it all? Maybe I should bring my little sister back out here so she can figure all the cool things.

My philosophy on the electronics and modern technology...

There is a circle. The really cool people are right in the middle soaking it all up as it becomes available. I on the other hand only have one foot in the circle. The other is dangerously dangling over the edge. I am fighting to stay in the circle (hence the blackjack phone), but seem to be loosing ground over the last few years..

1 comment:

joanna said...

I feel very far on the outside of the circle. And then I hear news stories about potential dangers of cell phones and brain tumors (did you hear that last week? The doc said the link is not definite, but to be safe he recommended using cell phones only when you couldn't use a land line and then using an ear piece and keeping the thing away from you) and I wonder if I should bother even trying.