Friday, April 3, 2009


Abby has Lyme disease. I took her in today to be checked. She started limping yesterday. Randy carried her upstairs last night (all 70lbs) because she likes to sleep in our room. Then today, it got worse. She lets us mess with her paw so I wasn't too concerned, but then by mid morning, she was having trouble getting up and the limping got significantly worse. So the fabulous veterinary got us in and they did a blood test and it was positive. Poor baby, she is miserable. Hindsight 20/20, she has been sleeping A LOT the last couple of days but we just chalked it up to getting old. I guess there was something more. So she had a cortisone shot, is on antibiotics and anti inflammatory and rest.

(Abby enjoying a ham bone. It was the only picture of her on this computer!)

The fun part will be giving her the medicine. She doesn't take cheese after about 2 days. She figures out there is more to it than just getting people food. Then she will take peanut butter for about a day and a half and the we pretty much spend the rest of the time shoving it down her mouth and waiting for her to swallow it. She is such a picky eater. The medicine is 4 weeks. Oh man, that is a lot of shoving. I sure hope Randy will be home for most of that. And I really hope she starts feeling better quickly.

On the chart in the vets office, it said where does your dog fall? So I checked the left column for her age and then the top columns for her weight..She is not a senior dog, she is beyond she is geriatric (67 or so) was her equivalent people age! That made me laugh.


Katie said...

She's doing fabulously well for being geriatric! Poor baby with Lyme disease...I hope you can figure out something with the pills. I can't think of anything else you could do...what about raw bacon?

Tracy said...

eww, raw bacon huh? Is that okay to give them everyday, 2x a day for 4 weeks?

Bevo said...

Let's talk geriatrics.

I saw "Abby" under your blog name on the Yap. In my mind, I'm thinking "Cait." Worried as moms get, I began reading your blog and in my mind your darling baby girl has Lyme disease. I had a few seconds of heart palpitations... Then I got to the "mess with her paw" and scrolled down a bit to see the photo of Abby, not Cait, and breathed a sigh of relief!

Sorry that Abby has the disease, but SO relieved it's not Cait!!

Anonymous said...

We put Molly's meds. in a piece of hotdog. You might try that before having to force it!

Andrea_Ben said...

Poor thing! I say mix it up. Do hot dogs chunks one day, cheese the next, bacon the next and top off the week with a little peanut butter. She will think she has died and gone to heaven!!!

Erin said...

OH NO! Poor puppy. I'm sorry to hear about it, and GOSH, I didn't think Lyme was that widespread in your part of the country. I guess it's got enough foothold, huh? SHOOT.

I haven't had a chance to comment about the running yet. First off, YOU ARE AWESOME! A 5k is a HUGE milestone! And I love that you already feel like it's a habit. That is spectacular.

The weightloss never really came with running for me either. Sorry to say it. I eat more when I run because I'm STARVING. The fitness benefit is still there, though, but it's frustrating to NOT lose pounds, especially when our male counterparts lose it so damn easy.

I have always gone by the calorie calculator for running: 1 mile run = 100 calories. I think it's less for smaller people and more for bigger, but not by much.