Saturday, April 4, 2009

caitenism..well, kind of

Today Madison had a birthday party, so we were out for a few hours running errands with a friend of mine. It was right during Cait's nap, so she was tired. She took a 20 minute nap on the way to pick Madison up, but I know she needed more. When we got home, I declared everyone to lay on the couch and I was going to pick out a movie.

I picked out Free Willy. I picked this one out because I figured it was too old for Cait (and maybe Madison too) and she would fall asleep...WRONG!

They watched the entire movie. There is a part in the movie where they have to free Willy. I was trying to explain what was happening and all of a sudden Cait looks at me with tears in her eyes and asks if "da whale" was going to be okay. When I asked her if she was alright, she busted out into a full out cry. (so i had to tell her the end of the movie so she would know Willy made it okay) OHMYGOODNESS! that kid has some empathy. She was that worried about a whale.. A whale on tv.

That is reason #675,897,143 why I love that kid!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Awww! Sweet Cait!

Love the photo...