Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pictures from Spring

I have well over 200 pictures to go through and choose a few to post about Easter and other events that have gone on in our family, but since I'm so far behind, I thought I would post pictures from yesterday. It was gorgeous! Madison has testing all week, so she doesn't have homework. We spent the entire afternoon outside. I still had a sweatshirt on, but Randy was in shorts.

Randy bought a new saw on a huge stick. He cut down ALL kinds of pine branches. Then he got to spend the rest of the evening cutting them apart..FUN!

The girls were way in the mood for photos, so I snapped away. Most of the ones I took of the two had at least one kid blurry. Still working on the right aperture and f-stop.

my magnolia tree

Sweet Cait.

They were just so excited to be outside!

This is Madison's new smile. put her front teeth together and put her head to the side.

And again!

This is what happens to the first 20 pictures when your camera gets put on a fully manual setting and you don't realize it!

And then there is this..Do you ,notice anything missing out of this picture? Yep, training wheels. Randy asked Madison if she wanted to take them off this weekend. She promptly said no. Then Randy went and asked Cait. My fearless child promptly said yes and took off. (since then we have put them back on. She doesn't really have the control yet.) Madison, seeing Caitie doing it without training wheels asked Randy to take hers off. Randy worked with her all Saturday afternoon. Then yesterday she didn't want to do it. Right before we called it a night, she grabbed her bike and took off..I was putting all the toys back in the garage when I saw her fly by me. I would say she has pretty much mastered it. Of course the brake thing still has a long way to go! She must be dreaming about it, because the first thing out of her mouth this morning was, "can I ride my bike when I get home from school?" I am so proud of her. She is growing up so fast.


Extra tidbits.

I have a sinus infection..

I am suppose to run a 5k race this weekend.

I was suppose to go on a girls' weekend the first week of May. It was cancelled and I think we are going to use the weekend to go on a mini vacation. Randy is off anyway to be home with the girls. I am really excited about it..

We to the girls to the Hannah Montana Movie this weekend. I really enjoyed it. So did Randy and the girls. I love the soundtrack too!

I am looking into a nutritionist. I think I need some help with the massive amount (for me) of calories I am burning. I have questions and no one seems to really know. Maybe they will.

I have gained 3lbs since running and my pants don't fit. I know my legs are gaining muscle, I just don't think any of the fat is burning off..

Randy has been home quite a bit, and has been SO helpful. I am very happy he has been home.


Andrea and Ben said...

Looks like a nice weekend!
I hope you get to run your 5k. And I will be interested to hear what you learn from the nutritionist.

The Quinn Report said...

I gain weight too if I strictly limit myself to cardio. Maybe you can incorporate an all over body weight lifting routine 2 x's a week.... just a thought! I know doing this helps me out tremendously!

Again, good luck on the race!!!