Friday, April 24, 2009

first run!

*UPDATE*... The race went really well. My friend and I ran pretty well together and I did better than I had expected. I thought I ran a 32:32, but the official results put me in at 32.37. WORKS FOR ME! It is like a 10min 20 second mile. It was pretty hilly (for me anyway) but pushed through it. Now I am going to push it up to a 10K training schedule. I enjoyed it (all except for the am wake up call) and can see how it can be addictive! My next 5k is in 2 weeks. Randy is running that one too!

Tomorrow is my first 5K. I ran outside yesterday for the first (real) time. I tried at my mom's but was super sick and it didn't go well. Yesterday, it went rather well. If you go up and down every street in our neighborhood, it is over a 5K by a couple of tenths. So I did it. If you have ever been through my neighborhood, it is VERY hilly. I was way excited that I was even able to run the hills. I of course was anything BUT fast, but I kept moving. It was a BEAUTIFUL day, so that helped. Unfortunately, it will be a rare thing, because if Randy isn't home, I cant really leave the girls to go run, but at any rate, a very productive workout. After the run on Saturday, I have to up my distance. My next goal is a 10K. I have a mental block at 4 miles, so we will see. The 10K is just about half way to the half marathon!


Abby has been doing really well taking the medicine. UNTIL TODAY. She did finally eat it, but I think the gig is just about up. We have about 5 more days, so let's hope it lasts. Silly dog!


Stephanie said...

Congrats! You are a better woman than me! The running part would make me say no, let alone the early AM wake up calls! Congrats again and on to the next!!!

Andrea_Ben said...

Good for you! I ran my first 5k on dirt. I have run quite a few road "races" (I say "races" but it is for fun for me) but the sand was KILLER! My advice, run in some sand, it will be great training.

Erin said...


Sorry I didn't comment earlier. This is SO awesome. What race is next? Huh? HUH?