Saturday, August 9, 2008

doesn't match up

How can a person who has moved who has moved 10+ times since 1995 be lacking in moving boxes?? I ALWAYS keep boxes. This time I think I thought "I am here for the long haul and I don't need to keep boxes" WRONG.. the other thing is we always lived on a base or close to it. We were always able to find a person just moving in and use some of their boxes if we needed them..Not so much this time. So I am just about ready to get creative on my packing methods!!

oh and I forgot to mention in my last post that we will probably reschedule the kitchen design until Monday. Sounds good right? Well, Randy will be hot and heavy into demolition and he told me "you know what I like, go can go and pick them out.. WTH??? I have a difficult time picking out clothes without a second opinion. Now mind you I could do it if I HAD to, but that seriously, isn't that a two person job? OH MAN, looks like you all are going to have to help me. DO you think it will be too weird to take the computer with me to the store and up load the pictures as we go?? :) You could just be glued to your computer for a couple of hours that day and we could all do it together?

1 comment:

MaryB said...

Oh PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE take your computer with you. I promise to be glued to my screen of you do!!!!!!!!