Saturday, May 9, 2009


This was my second attempt at a 5K. It was two minutes slower than my first one, but lets give a little history shall we?

Last week, I was up to 5.2 miles. It was an awesome feeling.. Then my leg/foot started hurting, just a little, but I thought it to be normal since I had just upped my mileage. I took a few days off and tried it again. No good, it was hurting a little more, so I stopped. At first it was just when I ran, but as the days passed it started hurting when i was doing just everyday walking. We went on a mini vacation last weekend to a indoor water park with the girls. I had A LOT of pain walking up all those stairs. On Monday I tried to run again and it was horrible. The week only got worse. Randy was suppose to run with me in this race, so I didn't want to bailout and not do it. I had planned to have it checked after the race, but by Wednesday, I was too much. Where and how it hurt, I freaked myself out and decided to have it checked. The doctor (just my primary) also thought it warranted a second look, so he sent me for an ultrasound to rule out a BLOOD CLOT! That my friends was a long couple of hours. THANK GOODNESS, there was NO clots. I have stayed off of it all week and decided this morning I would give it a go. ( i have also been on a higher dose of anti-inflammatory medicine which has helped)

So this morning, I got up and got ready. Randy was anything but stoked to be getting up that early and running. But after we got there and saw all the people we knew, (the girl I run with, her husband and another mom from school) His energy raised a little.

Kerri and I before we started running.

He did his time in 27 something..Ya, he left me in the dust,and we hate him :) but its okay! He got second in his age group. Second only to the winner of the whole race. He got a mug. I was the only one who didn't get a mug from our group, but in my defense, the girls who were in my group are marathon runners.(I know, excuses, but I was really just happy to finish)

So any way, super happy with that time. Considering the events of the last week. Now the next week, I am on my way to a podiatrist. My primary doc thinks maybe my arch on that foot is falling or something. I guess we will see. Just the fact of it not being a blood clot makes me VERY happy.

And do you know what the best part is for me? In this last week, I have REALLY MISSED running. I have never missed any physical activity EVER! So I guess I will admit, I am officially addicted.


joanna said...

Yay you! I know that feeling of missing running when you can't - and being surprised and happy about it. I hope you figure out what's the matter with your foot and it's an easy fix, too!

The Quinn Report said...

I haven't ran today and I'm in a pissed off mood. I know if I was able to do so, I would feel much better about myself and life in general!

Congrats on the race and can't wait to hear what the doc has to say! You look amazing (and that's all that really matters ;)

Bevo said...

Congratulations on the run, Tracy! Way to go!!!

So glad that your foot is feeling better and you have no clots.

I've had foot problems since high school as a result of fallen arches. I suffered a lot until I got orthotics without which I'd be crippled. So if the podiatrist recommends orthotics for you, go for them - they'll keep you happily on your feet for years and years!

Erin said...

GREAT JOB on the race! I'm so excited to hear how much you are liking it. You are inspiring me!

Sorry about the pain. I have a collapsed arch (or fallen arch, or flat feet) on my left foot. I have arch supports (just store bought ones) and motion control shoes (made for heavy weighters, actually), and I don't have pain when I run. I have trouble wearing sandles or going barefoot for any length of time. No official "cause," but I suspect running all the way through both pregnancies-- and I gained 40 pounds during each-- did most of the damage.