Thursday, May 14, 2009

Is Running All I Think About?

Well, no, but it doesn't require pictures.. IF you don't want to read about my running woes, stop now. Of course do check back because Madison had her spring concert last night and I had to work. Randy was in charge of the camera!

So I used my trump card this week. I had an appointment for the podiatrist on JUNE 9. I just couldn't wait that long so I had TJ (my b-i-l) call and get me one. That was Wednesday, and my appointment was today. It pays to know people sometimes. Anyway, after I found subs for my classes, found a ride for Cait to school and dropped off Madison, I headed to my appointment. I was armed with the 8 x rays and lots of hope for a quick fix.. Well, at least I had hope.

He looked at my foot and the first words out of his mouth were "do you always have this much movement in your ankles?" Uhh, yes. I used to be the guinea pig in my university's athletic training seminars on ankles. They are VERY loose and bend every which way. After we had that established, he grabbed my foot in all kinds of places and asked if it hurt here or there and then asked if I wear high heels a lot. Well, I wear the shoes I had on often, but they are maybe 1 1/2 inches. I do not call them high.

He said THREE things are going on

1. I have injured a tendon casing (or something like that) in my calf and that will take time to heal.

2. My Achilles tendon is too tight, from the previously mentioned "heels" and needs to be stretched back out.

3. I have Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome. Confused? Basically, I have Carpal tunnel syndrome of the foot..LOVELY.

Now I am a proud owner of a huge boot, that for right now only has to be worn at night or when I am sitting watching TV (or in his words reading a i have time for that!)

Stylish huh?
My next question was when can I run?

his response: umm, not for a while.

Me: (panicking a little) how long is a while, I have training starting in 2 weeks.

Dr: well, we will re-evaluate when you come back (not really the answer this ocd girl was looking for. I need a number people)

Me: can I do any exercise?
to which he said walking biking and other low impact things. I have not used my bike in years. I suppose I can walk, but what else can I do without a gym? I have to at least keep the shape I'm in so when I CAN run, I am ready!

I also have to ice, take a stronger anti-inflam, get some store bought orthotics and he said chances are I will have to have a cortisone shot in a couple of weeks because that spot doesn't heal well...

Overall, I am happy that it can be fixed. I am sad that I was in such a rhythm and have to break it. I am also sad because all of my fall running plans are hanging in the balance and need to be booked now. Of course a good running friend of mine said, running is no good if you can't get to the starting line. I am going to try and be VERY good. Of course, this afternoon I was teaching gymnastics and had them run in a circle. I, out of habit of teaching, did it with them. It wasn't until my colleague asked what I was doing, that I realized I was running..This my friends should be interesting.

Any exercise ideas NOT from a gym would be helpful.


joanna said...

Oh I feel your pain. Most of it! I laughed at you running the circle until someone else pointed it out. I don't have many suggestions for exercise - I have a yoga dvd that I do sometimes and find I'm sore after a day or 2 of it. Or when I did a "ballet" class with the girls and their friends in AK I think it was sort of exercise for me - I used to have a ballet exercise dvd, too. It seemed low impact. I guess my suggestion is dvds. I think you can rent them...

The Quinn Report said...

P90X would be my suggestion (there might have to be some modifications made.)

Gosh, I feel your pain because I've been there. Just know that resting now, will make you stronger down the road!

Bevo said...

I feel your pain COMPLETELY. Here is the good news: it sounds as if all your problems will heal. But, you MUST take care and give yourself the necessary TIME to heal. Definitely get the orthotics the dr recommended and DO wear the boot. You'll get back in shape after your foot heals, but trust me, (I HATE it when people say, "trust me") don't overdo - it could easily get worse. Heal, Baby, heal!

Best of everything to you and your adorable fam!

Katie said...

SUCKY!!! I am so sorry! I hope you can really just use this as an excuse to relax--that's what I would do!

I have some pilates/yoga videos that I LOVE. You can borrow them!

Andrea and Ben said...

I was going to make a crack about my 80n year old eighbor using that boot but thought it might be mean. I am sorry you are not back at running. I would look into whether or not you have fit TV. You can DVR some shows and use them when you have time.

Kate said...

I feel your pain; some nasty shin splints, or something, have been giving me leg cramps, so I've been trying to dial down the exercise over the past week. No activity = cranky mom!